Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Moving At The Speed Of Time

I apologize, it's been a while since my last insanely weird thought...but I just had another one.  What if time was not a concept, as we know it to be, but a constantly moving energy?  Light and sound are energies because we can sense them.  Well, we also can sense time because we know time is passing.  And here's where the weird comes in.  What if time is not just passing, but is passing us?  Light, passes us much faster than sound, but even sound passes us.  Light, in fact, is the fastest thing known to man.  But is it possible that time is just an energy that moves even faster than light?  Moving faster than sound creates a sonic boom; moving faster than light, from what I've heard in sci-fi movies, brings one into "warp speed" or something.  So, to move faster than time itself would mean that time is no longer passing you; you are passing time.  In essence, moving faster than time would allow one to travel into the future.  So, my final question: How fast is time?

Note: neither this nor any other strange post (likely all of them) were inspired by drugs, alcohol, or inhalants.  Lack of sleep may have been a factor, though.

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