Friday, September 14, 2012

Inspiration VS Infringement [EXPLICIT]

Let me be clear: My intent is never to take an idea from someone. I research every one of my ideas to see if they have been done before. I take extra care to make sure that I'm as original as possible. But let's face it. There are aspects of certain stories that I like. Not necessarily a specific idea, but more of a general concept or style. Of course, this argument won't help me in a court battle. And that's the thing about being original: either it's been done or it's copyright infringement. All the aspiring writers out there just want to make a living doing what they love, and then some greedy SOB (son of a billionaire) wants more dough. So, rather than publish the writer's works, they sue his ass for all it's worth. And trust me, a writer's ass is worth a lot. We sit on it for so damn long typing away at our keyboards. So, the writer is so poor that he or she would do anything for money, even get a job putting fringes on scarves. And I know for a fact that I am even less willing to infringe a scarf. So please, to all you publishing companies, TV stations, production companies, and, hell, scarf makers out there: how about instead of falsely accusing us of stealing your ideas, you either let us live our lives, strike a deal to publish our work, or af least appreciate that you've inspired us to express our creativity in 350-or-so pages.

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