Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Experiment Has Not Gone Wrong Yet...But Feels It

My preference in writing is to be creative and original. Yet, I now find myself testing the waters with a genre that has been almost all but used up. After all, what powers are left to reveal that no one has seen before? What story has not been told? When I think about the modern "super hero", I think about generations of graphic novels, television shows, and movies that have told the same story for years. I think about those who are obsessed with one or all characters involved, reading every novel, every word, multiple times. The story becomes a large part of their life, which I regretfully admit annoys me. Why waste your life attached to a work of fiction that has no impact on humanity's survival? However, as I feed the flames of this genre, I now understand the thrill of the hero writer. I feel a rush creating a new universe matched with new problems and people. Then, I became afraid when I found myself thinking about the very universe I created, the one that I KNEW was fictional. Maybe it's acceptable because I need to think about the plot and, well, everything else, but it still scares me; this is the nerdiest I've ever been. But this story could be my first completed work if I wanted it to be. In a fictional universe, there are no rules. And in a hero's universe, the connections between characters, plot twists, and places are limitless. You can write a story on an 18-year-old, but you can later reveal literally anything that could have happened to the character in previous years. Endless possibilites produce endless pages, which I want to produce over the course of my life. So if this "unoriginal" genre could jumpstart my career, so be it. Even though I'm embarrassed of everything I've done with this story so far, I look forward to seeing a finished product. And I have 2 more months to work on it before I go back to school. Bring it.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Boredom: I'm Doing It Wrong

I never thought this day would come: the day I actually get bored of being bored.  About a week ago I was accomplishing nothing perfectly, biding my time with video games and computer time.  And now what?  Due to my lack of free will (I can no longer sleep until 11:00, I have to get up at 9:30...) I am afraid to even touch the Xbox.  Is it even possible to play just one hour on that thing?  Once my morning curfew was set, I moved to spending more time on the computer, which frustrated my mom just as much.  So, I caught up on some old shows, watching them from the beginning and seeing episodes I missed towards the end.  Okay, it was really one show, which I finished.  It wasn't much, just a half hour per episode and only 2-4 seasons depending on how many episodes there were per season.  All was well until I completed the series (in two days, I might add); that's when all hell broke loose.  Every show that popped into my head after that was an unsatisfying replacement to the previous show, and I don't really have any interest in seeing a show that I have not seen before.  And, of course, my genre is narrowed down to an action/adventure show, with a plot that carries episode to episode.  I've thought of nothing.  So now, I have absolutely no idea what to do in my down time (when my friends are busy, that is).  Most of my time is spent simply deciding what to do with my time, which usually involves going on Facebook and continuously refreshing the page.  This boredom is killing me along with all of the chores I have to do, so I am trapped.  Maybe I could actually...*shudder*